Fishing Tourism
Kefalonia has the privilege, amongst other activities, to offer fishing tourism to its visitors. Hosted by professional fishermen, guests are welcomed aboard traditional greek fishing boats. They are introduced to […]
Sea Kayaking
Αν θέλετε να ανακαλύψετε όλη την ομορφιά και την ποικιλομορφία της κεφαλονίτικης ακτογραμμής, το θαλάσσιο καγιάκ είναι ο τέλειος τρόπος για να το πετύχετε σε όλο του το μεγαλείο! Αποτελεί […]
Underwater Diving
In Kefalonia, due to the rugged coastline and the calm seas, scuba diving is extremely popular among tourists. There are several scuba diving centers all over the island, from Fiscardo […]