Outdoor fun in Kefalonia!

Activities worth considering for the whole family, while planning your visit to Kefalonia. Visiting Kefalonia this summer with the whole family? Thinking of what fun-filled activities you can enjoy with […]

Frohe Ostern

Ich wünsche Ihnen ein frohes, herzerwärmendes und gesegnetes Osterfest!

Kefalonia: A Paradise for hiking!

Do you like hiking? Well, then you should definitely consider a trip to Kefalonia and explore the various hiking trails the island has to offer. With its various landscapes, the […]

August in Kefalonia – a month full of festivals and cultural events

Every month in Kefalonia is beautiful, but August has its own special charm. Why? Because traditionally it’s the month when many local festivals and cultural events take place. So, if you really want to experience local Greek life during your holiday then August is the ideal time.